My Journey and Yours too!

I have met so many people.

Young, old and simple.

Through this world so vast

I’ve been through some of them that fast.


Yet something in my heart tells me

That the motives of my heart do not really see.

People whom I love the least

Also deserves what I enjoyed in the feast.


I love God, yes I do.

You love God, of course, you too.

But how come we can love Him that deep

When there are some people we never keep.


Someone says, ‘You cannot really be closer to God

Than you are to the person you never had.’

It seems a joke when you’re into it

Never realizing you’re digging your own pit.


Friends, let’s make friends.

Not to those fancy girls whom we lends

Neither to those who give us the bends

But choose those who really mend.


We’re in the world full of people.

Why not make it a lot more colourful?

If you and I begin to embrace this

What a happy world this is!


God says so, we’re brothers and sisters

That is why our heart never needs keepers.

For you and I is a vital part of something

Something that God wants us to be.


No matter how unique and different we seems to be

There is one thing that makes us all that we can be.

It is the same sacrifice and love that keeps us alive

Jesus had died on the cross just to let us survive.


This is our journey together, loving who God loves.

No matter whom, no matter what, as long as we embrace what He has.

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